I don't have a picture of before we changed anything, but I do have a real estate shot from when Adam bought the house.

To the left of the picture is a door entry into our ensuite and walk-in. Unfortunately no pictures of that.
It was a delightful green and was painted just before Will was born. Our king ensemble fits very easily and could easily fit another. I had grand plans of getting a bedhead made - Adam and I saw a suite at Snooze and on a whim we bought it and two tallboys to flank our front boxed window. It's a beautiful clean, white suite. It currently has white linen and black lampshades.
I have visions of a window seat similar to this:
And I think I have decided to stick to black and white, so currently lusting after:
Or just Euro pillow covers like:
Or more black and white from Adairs:
So there is a lot to do, linen to buy and art to buy!
It's a slow steady process but getting there! I will have updated photos in a follow up post!